Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blog Exercise: Visual Thinking Research

Among the four color snakes (black, blue, green, and red), can you find the shortest one?
For this puzzle, I “filled in” the dashed curvy lines of various colors. Then I tried to divide these curve line to make up patterns of circles to calculate how much circles that I have so that I might compare the lengths of each line. However, I fail on this way. Afterward I found that these lines could be divided into smaller units, which were quarters of a circle. I count the units, which a quarter line of a circle then I got the solution, which the Red line, was the shortest one (11 units).

There are six pairs of identical shapes in this diagram. Can you find each of them? A shape from one pair doesn't appear in another.
 Solving this puzzle require the imagination of how the “rotating’ objects would look like and the technique of matching. For example, when I was looking at the puzzle “A,” I exampled and compare other puzzles to see what similarities did they had while imaged what were their forms being looked like in different angles. As a result, I came out that the “I” puzzle was a rotated angle of “A”.

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