Thursday, October 27, 2011

Design Education

Lines in this composition possess huge vitality. They seemed restlessly, randomly and endlessly dancing throughout all sides of borders.  The curvy lines expressing the meaning of celebration and happiness play a key role to express the concept of this design. The runny linear feature of the lines generates an atmosphere of freedom and celebration.

Each unique Shape in a design presents its own feature relating to a lot of meaning. In this design, the negative space was divided into four triangles by two obvious lines comprised with typefaces. These four triangles create the sense of dynamic, tension and stress that related to the geometric structure of a contemporary design.

Color is the most essential component in visual communication. It is linked to plenty of meaning connected to our culture, and perceptive experience. In this design, green almost occupies two third of the space in the layout because it aids to express the concept which is the environment.  Green delivers a feeling of pleasant to viewers because green come from viewer’s perceptive experience related to tree, grass and other elements of natural environment.

Sources of images:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blog Exercise: Visual Thinking Research

Among the four color snakes (black, blue, green, and red), can you find the shortest one?
For this puzzle, I “filled in” the dashed curvy lines of various colors. Then I tried to divide these curve line to make up patterns of circles to calculate how much circles that I have so that I might compare the lengths of each line. However, I fail on this way. Afterward I found that these lines could be divided into smaller units, which were quarters of a circle. I count the units, which a quarter line of a circle then I got the solution, which the Red line, was the shortest one (11 units).

There are six pairs of identical shapes in this diagram. Can you find each of them? A shape from one pair doesn't appear in another.
 Solving this puzzle require the imagination of how the “rotating’ objects would look like and the technique of matching. For example, when I was looking at the puzzle “A,” I exampled and compare other puzzles to see what similarities did they had while imaged what were their forms being looked like in different angles. As a result, I came out that the “I” puzzle was a rotated angle of “A”.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Week 7 Blog Exercise_feature hierarchy

This image was a poster connected to my major, Visual Communication Design. It was an Art Deco Poster. This poster is composed of shape channel and color channel. These channels work together to create a feature hierarchy, which also display the depth of the composition.  The shape of the bird is detectable preattentively. The color feature channel over the shape feature channel of the bird makes the glass of wine more pop out. At the beginning, the viewer’s eye will detect the shape feature channel of the bird and the title because of their dominant size. However, the pop out of the color channel make the wine become the foreground contrasting to the background shape of the bird is more attractive to eyes of viewers. Color feature channel attract eye more effectively.

Photo from:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Visual Perception 1 / Top-Down Visual Processing

The “Top Down” process is applied to the design of this poster. The purpose of the design is trying to motivate audiences’ attention to understand the concept of global environmental protection.  The attention on the composition is a dominant image with a symbolize “person” riding a bicycle which two wheels are illustrations of the global. The” Top Down” attention produces bias and causes audiences favours on the central image while ignoring another less important information. In addition, the feature and pattern level creates an area of interest leaded to more fixations on this area.