Thursday, November 17, 2011


The poster “Laughing Squid” is a case of implied motion. In this 2d media, viewer can see a squid that is opening his mouth and dancing on the ocean. The motion of dancing was depicted through curvy lines making up arms, which are wavering. The mouth of the squid is illustrated with sharp teeth and a tongue, which stretched out conveying laugh. The eye of the squid looks half closed, which suggests laughing too. We don’t know if squid can laugh or not. The implied laugh of the squid is impersonated human’s behavior from our life experience. The green of the background implicates the circumstance of ocean, which aids the sense of the motion of the squid more trustful. In addition, the placement of letters suggest the motion of bouncing.

This poster is also another case of motion implied on the 2D printed media. The piece shows the motion in the ways of size, shape, overlap of images, color gradient and direction. The size of a bicyclist on the upper left side is the smallest while the largest is on the bottom of the right side. The middle-sized image is put on the center produced the transition between the smallest and the largest images. Combing with the sense of distance, the sizes image implies the bicyclist riding from distance toward viewers. The direction composed by the three images of bicyclists helps to convey an abstract movement. The overlapping images of bicyclists with color gradient create the effects of shapes on the bicyclists that suggest the energy of motion. In addition, the title of the piece also generates an abstract movement to guide the eyes of audiences from left to right.

Resource of images:

Thursday, November 10, 2011


The sample is an illustration, which is one of my professional interests– designing physical space. The space of the illustration is depicted through the depth cues of “relative size, linear perspective, texture gradient and overlap.” The sizes of the lambs on the roof became smaller gradually suggesting deeper space. The biggest size of the object of this illustration is a set of table-chair, which expresses the closest distance. When audients look further, they can see sets of table-chairs overlapping which suggests some sets of table-chairs are behind them. The relative sizes of the screens on the wall indicate the depth of space where bigger screens suggest closer distance to audiences. The texture gradient of delivers the sense of depth to audiences. In addition, linear perspective indicated on the lines of the roofs guide the audiences’ eyes to the depth of the space.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tone & Color

          The sample is a poster design relating to my focused area, visual communication design. The design is cleverly in manipulated tone and color interacted with other design elements such as scale, shape to indicate three dimensions, space and express mood. Also, the tone and color cooperated together to establish an effective visual hierarchy to attract viewers. 
          First of all, the tone of the body of the racing car is from white to dark red. The light value suggests the highlight of the car; the dark value suggests the shadow on the side of the car body. Then the medium value creates gradation between the dark and light values.  All tones work together to suggest a sense of three-dimensional car body. The tones on wheels of the car indicated the texture and give viewers the sense of movement. In addition, the tones works with scale of the buildings create the sense of distance.
         The foreground and title colors are used with primary and secondary color, which are red, orange and blue together with black contrasting to tertiary colors background, which are less saturation. The color contrast creates visual hierarchy of the design. The color works with the shapes create a roundish, smooth appearance of the car body, which appeal to the eyes of viewers. Furthermore, red on the car body is associated with sport and exciting.